This frame of thinking seems ripe for an analysis of Martin Gurri's _The Revolt of the Public_. As I understand Gurri, he says that modern communications technology both makes it harder to hide "blemishes" and easier to coordinate in pointing them out, and so priestly authorities everywhere have lost mystique and legitimacy, with no coherent vision of what might replace them. What if anything does the Talmud say about what an aspirant leader should do in that situation?
This frame of thinking seems ripe for an analysis of Martin Gurri's _The Revolt of the Public_. As I understand Gurri, he says that modern communications technology both makes it harder to hide "blemishes" and easier to coordinate in pointing them out, and so priestly authorities everywhere have lost mystique and legitimacy, with no coherent vision of what might replace them. What if anything does the Talmud say about what an aspirant leader should do in that situation?