> by itself conviction is simply a vector, whether of good ideas or bad ones
We literally see "conviction as vector" in this same Parsha. "Whenever the cloud rose above the Tent, the Israelites would set out, and wherever the cloud settled, the Israelites would encamp". When the Israelites go (lech lecha) or stay is determined by conviction. How long they march is determined by conviction.
But where exactly do they camp? How do they navigate the land? We learn in the pasuk you highlight of the importance of Yitro's "eyes".
One wonders whether how the report of the spies may have been tempered by Yitro's straightforward wisdom.
> by itself conviction is simply a vector, whether of good ideas or bad ones
We literally see "conviction as vector" in this same Parsha. "Whenever the cloud rose above the Tent, the Israelites would set out, and wherever the cloud settled, the Israelites would encamp". When the Israelites go (lech lecha) or stay is determined by conviction. How long they march is determined by conviction.
But where exactly do they camp? How do they navigate the land? We learn in the pasuk you highlight of the importance of Yitro's "eyes".
One wonders whether how the report of the spies may have been tempered by Yitro's straightforward wisdom.