I am wondering how you think this goes with the teaching that even if there are some people engaged in paganism, if they're unified, God has mercy on them. Unity seems to be a very important in principle in Judaism, and it's also an essential attribute of G-D.

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"If we could just get to heaven, we could stop being human."

Great work. I also love the way you tied together Graeber's brilliant essay/book with this well-known, little understood Biblical myth. Beautiful.

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yashar koach. babel as busywork is an insightful drash!

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Just for fun, I thought I'd read the comments already provided before I participated; turns out, I agree: you pretty much pulled all the marrow out of that parable. Since you mentioned how love and raising a family are real ends, allow me to emphasize the role of pride in the construction of any morally (and intellectually) empty edifice, like the Tower. This piece educed an old memory of mine from Christopher Marlowe's, Doctor Faustus.

There is a scene near the end where Pride (personified) presents himself to the audience with the following: "I am Pride, I disdain to have any parents" (something to that effect). In other words, to your point about family, fatuous Tower (ivory, no less) builders often fail to confront the serious commitment of being parents because they are too obsessed with their own pointless projects (or vanity, as you put it). They are obviously prime candidates to spurn the gifts (starting with life) already given to them from both their parents, and of course the One whose name is nameless (despite the importance of 'naming' in every other context I can think of, as you touched on in this piece as well). Also, I might have to check out that book about BS jobs.

God Bless (oops, there goes that 'naming' thing again) Thank you. Keep up the good work. Also, comment on my work, if you dare ;)

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My favorite line “ but an over-focus on the pursuit of reputation outsources moral reasoning to average opinion.” The professional creator is the epitome of this. Even I am the epitome of this…

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Shabat shalom umeboraj

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Zohar, this is brilliant... 🎯

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One of your best yet! Thank you for sharing.

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Love the line about how oppressive institutions are the result of people caring more for their reputations (and eventually their lives) than their conscience.

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The internet is the tower of Babel.

Good Shabbos.

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