Welcome to the Etz Hasadeh Newsletter, a weekly Torah commentary in which I explore the meaning of life, guided by ancient texts, and the meaning of ancient texts, guided by life. Here’s a lovely profile in Jewish Insider. I’ve been writing this weekly missive for the past 6 years and hope to continue doing so for a long time. Volume 1 is forthcoming as a book, which you can pre-order here.
I also host the podcast Meditations with Zohar, write a philosophy newsletter What is Called Thinking, and am the Founder and CEO of Lightning, a global community devoted to the pursuit of classical education.
Etz Hasadeh is a Center for Existential Torah Study.
What Does Etz Hasadeh Mean?
Deuteronomy 20:19 teaches that when one conquers territory, one should not cut down the trees, because trees, unlike people, cannot run way. Read spiritually, the image-concept of the “tree of the field” represents that which we must preserve in the face of great cultural, political, and technological upheaval. As the world becomes more and more modernized, it is even more necessary to secure our connection to the wisdom of the ancient past and to ways of being that give our lives irreducible meaning.
About Me
I’m a rabbi, scholar, poet, coach, and life-long learner. I write a weekly Torah commentary (which you’re reading) and host the podcast Meditations with Zohar. I founded Lightning to inspire and enable self-directed liberal arts education.